I have had this for a long time. Finally I go to podiatrist to fix the problem. The podiatrist recommended cream. CREAM!!! Plain old over the counter cream. I tried it and it did not work for me. So off to the internet I went. I investigated and tried several remedies and finally found one that worked for me and gave me really pretty feet.
Here are the remedies I tried…
1. Vinegar and Water-It stinks and has a way of getting in everything you own. If you can keep this away from your stuff, try it. It may work for you.
2. Hydrogen Peroxide-Because moccasin athlete’s foot is so drying it is really difficult to penetrate. It was difficult for the peroxide to penetrate my foot. It also can get expensive.
Here is what worked for me…
1. Spraying all of my shoes with hydrogen peroxide. Athlete’s foot is a fungus and can go from surface to surface.
2. Washing my foot with Selsun Blue Dandruff Shampoo. It works for a dry itchy scalp, why not a dry itchy foot? After 2 weeks I saw a noticeable improvement.
3. Lastly I used DERMAdoctor Feet Accompli Ultimate Antifungal Pedicure Cream. Not only does this cream cure the fungus it stops your foot from being dry and flaky.